Friday: David and I drove to Fayetteville for the weekend to spend time with his family. I am going to be in my friends wedding in May, and my dress came in so I went and picked it up.
Here is a quick sneak peak of it!
We got our usual japanese take out and just watched tv for a bit and caught up with each other.
Saturday: I was extremely lazy and curled up on the couch and cuddled with the cutest puppy ever (Maddie) and watched the entire second season of Girls. I may be
What is she wearing on her head?!
Sunday: We drove back to Raleigh and on the way there it was raining. I mentioned that my windshield wipers sucked, and David was saying that he disagreed and he thought the left one looked good. Just as he was finishing his sentence, the windshield wiper broke into a few pieces and went flying off the car... So we had to make an emergency stop at the auto store.
Now it's Monday already! The weekend always seems to fly by. I vote that Thursday and Monday should be included in the weekend from now on!
I hope all of you had great weekends!
I have that same dress.... in navy. We wore them in my sister's wedding!